Have you ever wondered what it would take to become a great bartender? Do you secretly have the desire to be the guy on the other side of the bar, making fabulous libations and concoctions for people – showing off your prowess of mixology? Or perhaps you’d just like to polish your entertaining style and become that envied host or hostess who throws the best parties?
With spring just around the corner and outdoor entertaining on the rise; and if mixology has always intrigued you, we suggest starting out with 3 things:
1. Education, whether formal or self-taught
2. The right barware
3. A well-stocked bar
There are all sorts of books on the subject, in bookstores and online, but did you know that we have a school for bartenders right here in Birmingham, Alabama?
In just two weeks you can learn the ins-and-outs of mixing drinks. Whether you go the professional-hobby route or opt for the self-taught version, here are some resources we recommend to get you groovin’ and shakin’ in no time at all.
If you want to spend a relatively small amount of money for a cool new hobby, or even – a whole new profession, check out ABC Bartending School, with locations throughout the South.
Classes start soon and are repeated every two weeks for $295 – talk about a fun gift to give someone! Here’s the schedule:
Night Class: Tuesdays & Thursdays 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. for 2 weeks
Weekend class: Saturdays 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. for 4 weeks
Night class starts: February 27, 2018
Weekend class starts: March 3, 2018
As for stocking the bar and barware, here’s an informative post from our favorite Blog, StyleBlueprint featuring top mixologists advice about the essentials you will need in the way of bar tools.
As far as where to buy barware nearby The Retreat at Mountain Brook, here are some of our favorite places:
The Cook Store – Mountain Brook Village – Here you will find Moscow Mules Copper Cups, Whisky Wedge Glasses, Corkcicles to keep your wine the perfect temperature , Corkcicle canteens that keep your drinks cold for 24 hours and hot for 12 hours, Rabbit Wine Openers & a variety of wine stoppers.
Table Matters – We absolutely LOVE the VIVE at Table Matters and think you will too. You’ll be able to stock up on essentials like martini shakers, decanters. Wales Bar Spoons, Ice buckets and more!
Target.com – Literally, everything you could possibly want for a well stocked bar.
To create a well stock bar, you need to learn the lingo and about the products you’re using – you need answers to questions like, “What is vermouth? What makes a drink dirty? Shaken or stirred? On the Rocks or meat? What does all of this mean?”
We suggest reading:
The Joy of Mixology. It is the quintessential bar guide complete with history and how liquor is made.
And here is a great article from The Spruce that provides a quick guide to distilled spirits.
Just follow these easy steps and in no time you’ll be a mixologist aficionado and be the hit of entertaining at home!
P.S. Do you remember any of these guys? The greatest TV bartenders of all times.
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