Here at The Retreat at Mountain Brook we find great pleasure in providing inspiration to help our residents turn their apartments into a home, and we are delighted to tag team this effort with a new friend. Sharleen Graybill is The Semi-Minimalist and she has graciously offered to share insight into apartment decorating from a simplified living perspective.
Please share Sharleen’s wisdom and experience within your social circles as she continues to share her journey to minimalism in the hope of creating positive changes in the lives of others.
The Simple Life.
It seems that everywhere you look people are now obsessed with adorning their living space with apartment flair. I am happy to say that I have never had that problem. Oh no. I just would spend ridiculous amounts of money on clothes from Forever 21 that would result in an overflow of clothes coming out of my surprisingly huge walk-in closet.
But hey, nobody’s perfect. I did say that I was a “semi-minimalist” right?
I would say that apartment living helped me learn a few things about how to make to most of my living space. And now, I’m happy to say, my closet is the least of my worries (even though my closet is now smaller, ironically).
“I loved living in an apartment.” –The Semi-Minimalist
I feel that it inspired creativity and thinking a little outside the box. I also had some of the best adventures finding wonderful pieces for my place. These adventures resulted in one of a kind items that I still enjoy in my home today. One aspect of minimalism is that you find out who you are since you don’t have to please everyone else and follow every trend. Below are a few ways to stay true to yourself and develop your own unique retreat in your apartment.
1. Flea markets, antique stores, and consignment stores OH MY! This was the most fun experience for me and still is to this day. I seriously got the best deals on some really cool items that I still use in my home to this day. There is never a shortage of gently used/used items just waiting to be found at garage sales, craigslist, or community yard sales hosted on Facebook pages. I mean how cute is The Brass Bear? Keep an eye out for quality items at a lower-cost.
2. Accept Hand-me-downs. I still have some well-made Tupperware and silverware that my mom sent me when I was a poor Airman in the military. Not only did I have something to eat with and a place for the food I didn’t finish, but I also had something that reminding me of home. Not only did they add to my apartment’s unique vibe but these items added to the homey feel as well. Maybe there is a one of kind quilt that an aunt has made or even unique pieces of fired pottery from high school that is true to you and your story. While everything old or containing history might not be a winner, keeping an open mind just might surprise you as to what is. For example, I keep an old hymnal my mother gave me in my living room. Can you spot it?
3. Be a rule breaker and don’t always follow the fads. Since apartments are currently all the rage this can be a tough one to resist. There are plenty of stores that sell a plethora of items that are adorable for your apartment. I mean they do actually sell flamingo floaties that you can float in, with matching flamingo cozies to keep your drink cold in the comfort of your apartment using a kiddie pool. I mean that is a need really. And fun fact: floatie isn’t an actual word…yet! But honestly, how many books on cooking and records with beautiful covers does one really need? I try to focus on one item that is a multi-tasker; such as a one good sharp knife instead of a food processor, a garlic press, or a stainless steel mandolin.
“I also try to find pieces that are true to me, and therefore timeless.”
4. Keep it simple. A minimalist apartment would not be complete without this mission statement. Always remember that less is more and life is about the journey and not about the things we own. And honestly, everyone has their own weakness. Find what yours is and just work on it a little bit every day. And that’s it. Now you should be well on your way to minimalism and a perfectly sweet and high-quality apartment right?
Enjoy your journey and feel free to show us what you find along the way!
Love, The Semi-minimalist
About the Author.
Blogger, amateur sewist, and inspiration chaser. Living out of my element in the Californian Mojave desert. Trusting God and finding joy in whatever state I find myself in by taking one day at a time, making the world a better place through small and lasting improvements by creating beauty wherever I go.
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